

30th December 2012 - Luton Canine Sh - Judge: T. Beebe/Group Judge: K. Gorman

***Summeramba Tanna - 1st Puppy & Best Puppy & Gundog Puppy Group 1 ***

Summeramba Mercedes - 3rd Puppy

27th December 2012 - Sleaford & DCS - Judge: E. Archibald

***Summeramba Tanna - 1st Puppy & Best Puppy & Gundog Puppy Group 4 ***

Summeramba Mercedes - 3rd Puppy

23rd December 2012 - Colchester & DCS - Judge: A. Kirkman

Summeramba Tanna - 2nd Puppy

16th December 2012 - LKA Ch Sh - Judge: Christine Ashton

Summeramba Tanna - 2nd Puppy

9th December 2012 - Lincoln & DCS - Judge: J. Shaw

***Summeramba Tanna - 1st Puppy & Best Puppy***

2nd December 2012 - MGRC Ch Sh - Dog Judge: F.Scholes/Bitch Judge: P. Tuck

Summeramba Humbug JW - 5th Mid Limit Dog

Summeramba Tanna - 4th Puppy, 5th Maiden & 5th Novice Bitch

1st December 2012 - Mid Herts Gundog - Judge: J. Duncan

Summeramba Tanna - 4th Puppy

25th November 2012 - Burton On Trent - Judge: G. Horrocks

Summeramba Tanna - 2nd Puppy

18th November 2012 - Bolsover DCS - Judge: Jan Neilson

***Summeramba Tanna - 1st Puppy & Best Puppy & Best Puppy In Show 4 ***

17th November 2012 - Huntingdon K9 Soc - Judge: L. Cole

***Summeramba Tanna - 1st Puppy & Best Puppy***

Summeramba Mercedes - 5th Puppy

10th Nov 2012 - Gundog Breeds Of Scotland - Dog Juge: J. May/Bitch Judge: B.Mills

Summeramba Tanna - 3rd Puppy Bitch & 3rd Novice bitch

Summeramba Mercedes - 4th Puppy & 4 th Novice Bitch

***Summeramba Humbug JW - 1st Mid Limit Dog***

4th November 2012 - BD & CGRC - Dog Judge: A. Hagger/Bitch: E. Pope

Summeramba Tanna - 5th Puppy Bitch

Summeramba Humbug JW - 5th Mid Limit Dog

20th October 2012 - Grantham & DCS -Judge: J. Barron

***Summeramba Mercedes -1st Puppy & Best Puppy***

***Summeramba Errol Flynn - 1st Junior, 1st Graduate, 1st Post Graduate & 1st Open***

****Best Of Breed****

His last point for Zorro’s Junior Warrant

17th October 2012 - Gundog Soc Of Wales - Judge: A. Richardson

Summeramba Tanna - 2nd Minor Puppy Bitch

14th October 2012 - NGRA Breed Open Sh - Judge: M. McDonald

***Summeramba Tanna - 1st Minor Puppy Bitch & 2nd Puppy Bitch ***

Summeramba Mercedes  -  2nd Puppy & 3rd Puppy Bitch

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 2nd Junior,  

13th October 2012 - Doncaster K9 - Judge: K. Gawthorpe

***Summeramba Tanna - 1st Puppy & Best Puppy In Breed***

Summeramba Mercedes  -  2nd Puppy

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 2nd Junior,

7th October 2012 - Joint YGRC Ch Sh - Judge: Dogs: D. Mannings/Bitches: L. Walker

Summeramba Mercedes  -  2nd Minor Puppy, 4th Puppy, 4th Maiden & 4th Novice Bitch

Summeramba Tanna - 3rd Minor Puppy, 5th Puppy, 5th Maiden & 5th Novice Bitch

Summeramba Humbug JW - 4th Mid Limit Dog

6th October 2012 - White Rose Canine Soc - Judge: D. Youngson

***Summeramba Mercedes  -  1st Puppy & BPIB & Puppy Gundog Group 4***

Summeramba Tanna  -  3rd Puppy

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 3rd Junior, 2nd Limit & 1st Open

3rd October 2012 - Windsor Gundog Soc. - Judge: D. Rourke-Knights

Summeramba Tanna - 2nd Minor Puppy & 5th Puppy

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 2nd Junior, 4th Graduate dog & 4th Post Grad dog

30th  Sept 2012 - Cleethorpe & DCS - Judge: Nick Gourlay

Group Judge: Lynn Anderson

***Summeramba Tanna *** -  

***1st Puppy, BPIB & BOB - Gundog Group 4 & Puppy Gundog Group 1 & ***


Summeramba Mercedes  -  2nd Puppy

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 1st Junior, 1st Graduate, 1st Post Grad & 1st Open & RBOB  

29th Sept 2012 - Barking CC - Judge: J. Dawe

***Summeramba Tanna  -  1st Puppy***

Summeramba Mercedes  -  4th Puppy

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 3rd Junior , 4th Post Grad & 1st Open Dog

23rd Sept 2012 - ECOS Ch Sh - Dog Judge: B. Sillence/Bitch Judge: B. Lundgren

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 4th Yearling & 3rd Undergrad Dog

Summeramba Humbug JW - 5th Mid Limit Dog

Summeramba Tanna  -  3rd Minor Puppy

21st Sept 2012 - Driffield Agric Soc. - Judge: Anne Falconer

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 4th Junior & 3rd Yearling

Summeramba Tanna  -  2nd Minor Puppy & 4th Puppy Bitch

9th Sept 2012 - Richmond ChSh - Dog Judge: R. Lewis/Bitch Judge: G. Brodie

Summeramba Humbug JW - 4th Mid Limit Dog

Summeramba Tanna  -  4th Minor Puppy Bitch

2nd Sept 2012 - City Of B’ham - Dog Judge: F. Jonsson

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 4th Sp. Yearling & Undergrad dog

27th August 2012 - Leicester City K9 - Judge: M. Phillips/Group: Roger Taylor

***Summeramba Tanna  -  1st Puppy, BPIB & Puppy Gundog Gourp 3 ***

Summeramba Mercedes - 2nd puppy

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 3rd Junior, 3rd Sp. Yearling, 2nd Post Grad

26th August 2012 - Horley & DCS - Dog Judge: S. Ross/Bitch Judge: Alan Curry

Summeramba Tanna - 2nd Puppy Bitch

Summeramba Mercedes  - 4th Puppy Bitch

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 3rd Junior, 4th Sp Yearling, 2nd Post Grad & 5th Open Dog

25th August 2012 -  West Bromwich & Wed K9 - Judge: L. Tooth

***Summeramba Tanna  -  1st Puppy, BPIB & Puppy Gundog Gourp 2 ***

Summeramba Mercedes - 2nd puppy

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 2nd Junior, 1st Yearling, 1st Post Grad & 2nd Open

16th August 2012 - East Midland K9 - Judge: Jenny Miller

***Summeramba Tanna  -  1st Puppy, BPIB & Puppy Gundog Gourp 2 ***

Summeramba Mercedes (shown by Vicki)  - 2nd Puppy

***Summeramba Errol Flynn - 1st Junior, 1st Graduate, 1st Limit & 4th Open***

11th August 2012 - Bournemouth Ch Sh - Dog Judge: J. Barrow

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 5th Undergraduate Dog

8th August 2012 - United Retriever Club Ch Sh - Dog Judge: V. Foss/ Bitch Judge:

C. Benson

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 4th Undergraduate & 5th Graduate Dog

Summeramba Mercedes   -  5th Minor Puppy Bitch

5th August 2012 - GRCN - Judge: Sue Norris

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 1st Junior, 2nd Yearling, 1st Undergraduate & 2nd Grad Dog

**Summeramba Tanna  -  1st Minor Puppy and 1st Puppy Bitch**

***Best Puppy Bitch***

Summeramba Mercedes (shown by Christine) -  3rd Minor Puppy and 2nd Puppy Bitch

4th August 2012 - National Gundog Ch Sh - Dog Judge: D. Sheilds/

Bitch Judge: J. Bearman

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 5th Junior, 4th Yearling & 3rd Undergraduate Dog

**Summeramba Tanna  -  5th Minor Puppy and 3rd Puppy Bitch**

**Summeramba Mercedes (shown by Christine)  -  

4th Minor Puppy, 2nd Puppy & 5th Maiden Bitch**


Mercie’s first Champ Show & Tanna’s 2nd Champ Show - both qualify for CRUFTS 2013

1st August 2012 - Bakewell Agricultural Show - Judge: S. Mullard

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 1st Junior,

Summeramba Tanna - 3rd Puppy

Summeramba Mercedes - 2nd Puppy  (Mercie’s first show)

28th July 2012 - Leeds Ch Sh - Dog Judge: J. Duval / Bitch Judge: P. Hollings

Summeramba Errol Flynn -  4th Junior dog

Summeramba Humbug JW - 5th Mid Limit Dog

Summeramba Tanna  -  5th Minor Puppy Bitch

Tanna’s very first Show at 6 months and 2 days old !!

21st July 2012 - GRC Ch Sh - Dog Judge - B. Keighley/Bitch Judge: H. Lambshead

Summeramba Humbug JW - 7th Mid Limit Dog

Summeramba Ethel JW - 3rd Mid Limit Bitch

15th July 2012 - Worthing & DCS - Judge: J. Gannaway-Jones

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 2nd Junior, 4th Post Grad & 3rd Open

12th July 2012 - Frechville & DCS - Judge: M. Rees

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 1st Junior, 3rd Post Grad & 5th Open

7th July 2012 - East Of England Ch Show - Dog Judge: Ingrid Pinfield

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 3rd Junior & 4th Yearling Dog

*****Summeramba Humbug JW -  1st Limit Dog*****

29th June - Windsor Champ Show- Dog Judge: A. Ryder

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 5th Junior Dog

27th June 2012 - Norwich & Norfolk Show - Judge: Julie Duncan

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 2nd Junior, 1st Post Grad & 3rd Open Dog

24th June 2012 - Derbyshire Agric & Hort Show - Judge: Mr. W. McEntee (replacement judge for Eve Saxon)

***Summeramba Errol Flynn - 1st Junior, 1st Post Grad & 1st Limit***

*****Zorro then went on to get BOB*****


17th June 2012 - Border Union Ch Sh - Dog Judge: B Hird/Bitch Judge: R. Lewis

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 5th Junior Dog

Summeramba Humbug JW - 4th Mid Limit Dog

Summeramba Ethel JW - 3rd Limit Bitch

16th June 2012- SWECA - Dog Judge: D. Molinari/Bitch Judge: V. Zanini

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 2nd Junior, 2nd Graduate & 3rd Post Grad Dog

Summeramba Humbug JW - 2nd Open Dog

5th June 2012- Boston & DCS - Judge: W. Pickup

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 2nd Junior, 2nd Yearling & 4th Post Grad

3rd June 2012 - Melton Mowbrey DCS - Judge: C. Donahue

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 2nd Graduate & 1st Post Graduate

Summeramba Dandylion - 2nd Post Graduate

1st June 2012 Southern Cos Ch Sh - Dog Judge: J. Atha

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 5th Junior & 3rd Yearling Dog

Summeramba Humbug JW - 5th Limit Dog

20th May 2012 - Coventry & DCS - Judge: Liz Hallgarth/

Gundog Judge: J. Gill Davis

***Summeramba Errol Flynn -  1st Junior, 1st Grad, 1st Post Grad***

*****Zorro then went on to get BOB & Gundog Group 2*****

13th May 2012 - Pudsey & DCS - Judge: J. Gerhold

***Summeramba Errol Flynn -  1st Junior, 1st Post Grad, 2nd Open Dog ***

6th May 2012 - GRC of Northumbria Ch Sh - Dog Judge:  P. Drury

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 2nd Junior, 4th Yearling, 2nd Novice & 3rd Under Grad dog

Summeramba Humbug JW  -  4th Mid Limit Dog

5th May 2012 - Seaham & DCS - Judge: C. Jenkins

***Summeramba Errol Flynn - 1st Junior, 1st SpYearling & 2nd Post Graduate***

22nd April 2012 - North West GRC Ch Show - Dog Judge: Tony Hird

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 2nd Puppy, 2nd Junior, 2nd Novice & 3rd Under Grad dog

Summeramba Humbug JW  -  2nd Mid Limit Dog - 1st time out this year !!

21st April 2012 - B’ham Gundog & Terrier sh - Judge: Ms G Vernon

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 2nd Puppy, 2nd Junior & 4th Post Grad

9th April 2012 - Dunstable & DCS - Judge: C. Moffat

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 2nd Puppy

Summeramba Under Pressure -  4th Open Bitch

7th April 2012 - NGRA Ch Sh - Dog Judge: J. Newton/Bitch Judge: P. Barnes

Summeramba Errol Flynn  -  5th Puppy, 5th Debutant & 3rd Under Grad Dog

Summeramba Under Pressure -  4th Post Grad Bitch

25th March 2012 - Gravesend & DCS - Judge: M. Fleet

Summeramba Errol Flynn  -  2nd Puppy, 1st Junior & BOS

Summeramba Under Pressure -  3rd Open

9th March 2012 - CRUFTS-_ Dog Judge: Fiona Thurm

Summeramba Errol Flynn  -  4th Special Puppy Dog


19th February 2012 - Matlock & DCS - Judge: S. Birkin-Green

Summeramba Errol Flynn  -  3rd Puppy

Summeramba Under Pressure -  2nd Post Graduate

4th February 2012 - Rugby & DCS - Judge: D. Foulds

Summeramba Errol Flynn  -  3rd Puppy

**Summeramba Under Pressure  -  1st Open Bitch**

29th Jan 2012 - City Of Cambs K9 Soc - Judge: Sally Roberts

**Summeramba Errol Flynn  -  1st Puppy & Best Puppy**

**Summeramba Dandylion  -  1st Graduate**

22nd Jan 2012 - Manchester Ch Sh- Dog Judge: Patsy Hollings/Bitch Judge: A. Brown

Summeramba Errol Flynn -  2nd Minor puppy & 4th Puppy Dog

     -    Qualifies for Crufts 2013

Summeramba Under Pressure -  3rd Graduate Bitch

**Summeramba Ethel JW  -  1st Post Graduate Bitch**

8th Jan 2012 - GRCN - Judge:  Alison Harvey

Summeramba Errol Flynn - 2nd Minor Puppy & 2nd Puppy Dog

Summeramba Ethel JW - 2nd Post Grad Bitch

6th Jan 2012 -Boston & DCS -  Bitch Judge:  J. Edwards

Summeramba Under Pressure  -  4th Graduate Bitch

Summeramba Ethel JW - 5th Post Graduate Bitch